Sunday, April 30, 2017

Cultist Who Works In A Mortuary Shares Selfies He Took With Corpses In A morgue On Facebook

A Facebook user, Val Don-zima who according to his a photo he shared is a member of black axe cult group and a mortuary attendant in Enugu, shared selfies he took with corpses in a morgue and captioned it... 'caring out some experiment'


  1. And the government would allow these kind of people roam free. Known killers. Smh

  2. Useless u be the firat person to join blavk axe ni,,,,nonsense,, ur mate the brag with their fortunes and u the inside mortuary the form Sylvester stallion

  3. Is this real ?
    This guy really needs some flogging, serious one, being a black axe member made him post such nonsense and seems so proud of himself and his experiment as he said

  4. honestly this guy need serious beating o, send me your address ,
    make we come play u

  5. Don't condemn he.. He did what he thought is the best that moment
