Saturday, April 1, 2017

"Nigerians Act Like Nobody Is Having S*x When Anyone Talks About It" - Rita Dominic

Veteran actress, Rita Dominic who covered SCHICK’s debut issue, spoke about dominating the screens in Nollywood for 19 years, dating in her 40s and being content with not having it all.

Read excerpts from her interview below;

When asked "on being a powerful figure in her field:

She said;
“Power is a word that is often used negatively when discussing it in relation to women in our society. Many equate power to being b*tchy or trying to dominate others, but not me. 
I feel powerful when I am able to affect other people’s lives positively. Things like getting jobs for others, helping young actors and filmmakers achieve their dreams, contributing to the success of my own personal projects, and making charitable contributions to those who need it, empowers me on a daily basis. 
Being inspired and passionate about what I do gives me so much energy – and you can equate that to power.”
On being the ‘Queen of the Screen’;
“We worked really hard on [76], so I am so happy about the record nominations. We ended up winning five awards that night including my ‘Best Actress’ award. Thanks to the fans that voted, I tell you. 
It was so surreal because I was backstage waiting to present an award and did not know that it was time for my category. Once I heard them announcing the nominees, my heart was beating so fast, I thought I would faint. When I heard my name, it took everything within me not to cry. 
You don’t understand how humbling it is to be working on these kinds of projects after 19 years in the industry. I want to commend Izu Ojukwu and Adonai Owiriwa for believing in me and taking such a bold step to make 76.”
On dating in her 40s, sex and sexuality in Africa:
“You know we have a hush-hush attitude towards sex in Nigeria. For me, sex is personal and not really something you should be screaming to others about; but, on the other hand, I don’t like that we are so hypocritical about [it]. 
We act like nobody is having sex but that is totally not the case”


  1. Yea...its natural, ,I feel powerful once I affect people around me for sex should be our private thing n not public debate

  2. I feel powerful when I am able to affect other people’s lives positively...I concur

  3. Nice one
    She really made a good point
