Saturday, April 29, 2017

Yes, Being A Baby-Mama Is Better Than Being A Wife — Actress Feyisara Hassan Says

Actress Feyisara Hassan made the controversial statement in an interview with Vanguard.

When asked what came make her become a baby-mama, she said: "What most people don’t know is that being a baby-mama is even better than being a wife.
Frankly, I am not against any woman opting to be a baby-mama, in fact I believe it is good and more peaceful. Being a baby-mama you enjoy the father of your baby more than if he were your husband.
You can have access to him whenever and wherever you want without any family pressures or restrictions. When you are a wife, there are limitations and restrictions and there’s little room for heartaches. More women are opting to be babymamas because their lives are more peaceful and enjoyable."