Friday, June 9, 2017

7 Horny Women Overpower And Gangr*pe 2 Men In Zimbabwe

Two men were overpowered and gang-r*ped by seven women in separate incidents, according to the police in Zimbabwe.

According to Herald Zimbabwe, one man was held up with a gun, forced into the bush, r*ped and then drugged while the other was knocked out by a drink and abused while unconscious.

The police who are now investigating the crime have urged members of the public to be vigilant in case they are picked up by the women after a spate of female-on-male rapes in the country.

The Chief Superintendent Paul Nyathi said one of the two recent victims, aged 37, was picked up in Harare on May 27 by a car containing one man and two women.

A woman who came aboard at the same time, the policeman said, pointed what seemed to be a pistol at the man after the driver had taken the car on a detour.

Chief Supt Nyathi said the woman force-marched the man into the bush, adding: 
'One of the females forced the complainant to have sexual intercourse with him without his consent while another female accused forced the complainant to drink an unknown liquid which left the complainant unconscious.'
The other man also boarded a car in Harare, this one containing five unknown people, before being offered a drink by a woman which knocked him unconscious. Chief Supt Nyathi said:
 'When the complainant gained consciousness he discovered that he had been abused.'