Saturday, June 24, 2017

"My Wife To Be Flirts With Other Guys, What Do I Do?"

Good day evening my dear CCNA'ers,

I need your advice on some issues bothering one of our fellow reader lately.

My girlfriend (dating for 2 years now with pastor and parents consent) has been behaving very funny these days.

She suddenly starts flirting with other guys openly and anytime I ask her who those guys are, she gets angry and tells me I have no right to ask her who they are even after I discovered she is having hidden chats and dates with them.

The first instance happens to be on her birthday, I planned to take her out and on getting to her shop I met this man there, though I didn't ask her who he was but on getting to the eatery she became very cold and didn't eat any of the things I bought for her...On asking her who the guy was she started telling me I shouldn't ask her but I later got to know the man cos his wife happens to be a patient of mine (I am a male nurse)

Second instance happens to be with a street guy I know.

Though I recently started seeing the guy in her shop every day but didn't ask her anything. My suspicion arose wen the few times I actually met the guy in her shop. She starts acting strange and both of them get very quite In one instance the guy was just in front of her and she texted him not knowing I saw what she was doing...

And the following day, I met them together on the way and immediately the guy saw me...he pretended like he wasn't with her and stylishly walked away.

When I asked her who he was, she started over reacting and telling me I shouldn't ask her and if I don't trust her that is my problem.

Now I don't know what to do about her cos our families are close and we go to the same church...pls I need your opinion.

No insults pls.


  1. I think she wants u to let go so she would be free. Simple!

  2. Well,,,,if u love her...then find out why she is doing that......then make amends but if it continues,, my brother run when they is still time oo

  3. Your family being close is not an excuse...I think she needs to be left alone

  4. There are many fishes in the river man, let her be and get another
