Thursday, June 22, 2017

Photo Of The Day! What Do You Think He's Asking God For?

I saw this photo somewhere online and I keep wondering what this young man was praying for. After all the stacks of $$ displayed on his bed...Well, As for me.

I think he's begging God for more grace and long life to spend this money. Or What do you guys think he's praying for??


  1. Lmao....I guess peace of mind n security

  2. There's still so much that money can't buy.

  3. Lolzzzzz

    Finally what ever he asks for is between him and his God.........besides no matter how much one got, he or she still needs God's protection in one way or the other.....

  4. Lol... I guess he's asking God not to be caught cos he might have stolen the moneyp
