Monday, June 26, 2017

“We Will Soon Make Hausa The Official Language In Nigeria" - Nigerian Man Declares

Following President Buhari's message to Nigerians after 50days in Hausa, and the reactions that followed, a Nigerian man, Sadiqq Ibrahim, has declared that Hausa language would become the official language in the country soon.

In the reaction to Reno Omokri's criticism of the president's message, Sadiqq, revealed that about 76% of the Nigerians speak the Hausa language, adding that even those who are from other tribes in the country speak it.

He also stated that once Hausa becomes the official language, everyone would speak the language whether they like it or not.


  1. Lmao....I laugh in Swahili....anyway,, its a language I will love to learn but no be for this old age,,maybe next generation

  2. Lolzzzzzzz
    I expected something like this shaaaaaaaaaa
